Since the beginning of the year we interviewed close to 200 salespeople from a variety of industries across the globe. One of the questions we asked was, “What motivates you?”
Here are the top twelve responses we received in rank order:
- A sense of achievement/closing business
- Recognition
- Competition
- Opportunity for promotion/growth
- The “thrill” of the chase
- Money/Commissions
- Challenging work
- Good working conditions
- Company loyalty
- Being “in” on things
- Coaching
- Feedback
While you may not think our sample size is large enough to be accurate (or predictive) we have found that once you receive 50 to 75 responses to a specific question the percentages don’t really change very much as the number of respondents increase so we believe that these responses are pretty representative.
I am hopeful you won’t just think to yourself…wow, that’s interesting but rather what it means to your organization and more importantly what can you do with this data.